CSort gathers all its dealers in Altai for the first time
In March CSort held the first meeting for its partners from different regions of Russia, from Ukraine and Moldova. They all sell color sorters manufactured in Altai. The partners spent several days discussing market trends, participating in sales training sessions, talking about their experience of selling color sorters to businesses working in different industries, and sharing the feedback they get from their customers about the equipment.
The meeting showed that CSort’s machines were in demand not only among agricultural products processing companies; dealers are also negotiating with non-food industries’ representatives. Thus, European recycling companies are interested in the machines, as they can be used to sort metal-plastic windows and PET bottles processing waste. Besides, companies are beginning to use color sorters to sort non-ferrous metals — such inquiries have come from Hungary, Romania and Croatia. The existing chemical separation technology is too complicated and expensive, so companies pin high hopes on using color sorters in metallurgy.
CSort’s partners visited its manufacturing complex, watched all the color sorters’ assembly stages, talked with the developers and let them know their wishes. As the dealers point out, they were impressed by what they saw. They confess they did not expect to find such a range of foreign equipment (namely, Trumpf, Lissmaс and other metalworking machines) in the post-Soviet space. According to Ivan Lagunovich, Director at NPP Alta (CSort’s representative in Ukraine), this explains the color sorters’ stable performance:
One of our customers calls Zorkiy a “miracle machine” because that color sorter has been working at his site for 8 months, 7 days a week on a three-shift basis, nonstop. It has not broken down once. Indeed, CSort’s color sorters are famous for their reliability and quick return on investment. Thus, Zorkiy, if used to sort sunflower seeds, pays back equipment and installation costs after a year of operation. We market CSort’s machines as European, and our customers have already seen that their quality is as high as that of the world’s best equipment of the kind.
According to Vitaly Savinkov, CSort’s Commercial Director, the meeting with the dealers led to an important step: CSort decided to increase the warranty period from 1 year to 2. At the end of the meeting each participant received a letter of appreciation and a souvenir 3D model of a CSort machine. By the way, the company currently has about twenty partners around the world: in Germany, Iran, Bulgaria, Poland and other countries. A month ago CSort acquired a dealer in France. CSort will invite them all to the next meeting in a year.