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Result of corn cleaning
from impurities with color sorter

Cleaning of corn from widespread contaminants

Corn kernels can contain different contaminants. You need to sort corn to get a high-quality material. There is a large variety of machines for sorting kernels which differ by size. But such machines are not able to sort out infected kernels as well as contaminants that are the same in size, but differ in color. Color sorters are used for cleaning corn from this kind of contaminants.

Contaminants: mineral impurities (soil, stones, pebble stones, slag and ore parts), node parts, stems; rotten corn kernels with darkened or molded corcule, molded, shriveled, pressed and crashed kernels; smutted or spurred kernels; sunflower kernels.

Corn color sorting

Color sorters are able to recognize the smallest defects on each kernel at high speed flow and remove defected kernels. Production capacity of the equipment allows to increase not only the product quality but also production volumes.

Corn, maize — annual grass in the gramineae family . This is one of the most important grain cultivars in the world after wheat and rice. Corn is presumably the oldest bread plant on the Earth.

Corn is cultivated in tropics and subtropics mainly for food cereals. Different food products including unique meals of national cuisines are made of cereals and flour. A large volume of corn kernels are processed for receiving starch, grain alcohol, beer, fruit sugar, sugar, oil, vitamins and other products which are the basis for different industrial branches. Nodes, corn-cobs and husk are used for making paper, linoleum, viscose, insulation materials, artificial cork, filmstrip etc. Corn stigmas are widely used as medicine in the form of herbal infusion or potion.

Corn is also can be used for fodder. For this we use corn kernels, products after cleaning and processing, fresh, dry and ensiled herbage.  

Color Sorting Machine for Corn

Select a color sorter for sorting corn depending on the required load and quality
Фотосепаратор лотковый SmartSort B 1-3
SmartSort B 1-3

Флагманский фотосепаратор с возможностью установки от 1-го до 3-х лотков. Высокая производительность сортировки при большой засоренности исходного продукта. Высокая точность сортировки с возможностью различать мельчайшие градации в оттенках продукта.

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Фотосепаратор лотковый SmartSort B 4-6
SmartSort B 4-6

Флагманский фотосепаратор с возможностью установки от 4-х до 6-и лотков.Высокая производительность сортировки при большой засоренности исходного продукта. Высокая точность сортировки с возможностью различать мельчайшие градации в оттенках продукта.

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Maize, also known as corn (North American and Australian English), is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago.The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences and separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that yield kernels or seeds, which are fruits.
Those who produce corn know that it is not an easy task to produce good, high-quality crop. Corn can behighly affected by the muggy weather or low temperatures. Due to the high humidity of soil or cold seasons the production companies can get a lot of spoiled corn seeds. The sseds start spoiling right in the ear. Then these spoiled ears start affect healthy ears and seeds.
To sell corn for a fair price is challenging when you have more than 1% of spoiled seeds.

Color sorting machines can help you with this problem. In a short time frame you will have clean and high-quality product.

Color sorting of corn

These pictures demonstrate raw material contaminated with spoiled seeds (darkened). This was caused by the high humidity level. Our mission — to reach saleable coniditon. The number of contaminants should be less than 1%.

Capacity we can reach — 1800 kg per chute.

Color Sorting Machine — SmartSort B

Corn kernels that are damaged, spoiled, dark in color, infected with mycotoxins
Raw material (corn)

The rotten grains and weeds percentage is more than 10%

Accepted (market corn) cleaned from rotten kernels
Good (commercial corn)

The rotten grains and weeds percentage is less than 1%

Reject, rotten and black corn kernels
Rejected material

Color sorters
for corn cleaning

Learn more about configurations of sorting equipment. Choose the optimal capacity for you.
CSort Color Sorters