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CSort color sorters and sorting solutions

Фотосепаратор лотковый SmartSort B 1-3
SmartSort B 1-3

Flagship color sorter with the possibility to integrate from 1 to 3 chutes. High production capacity even while sorting a highly contaminated product. High precision of sorting with the possibility to detect the smallest grades in color shades.


Фотосепаратор лотковый SmartSort B 4-6
SmartSort B 4-6

Flagship color sorter with the possibility to integrate from 4 to 6 chutes. High production capacity even while sorting a highly contaminated product. High precision of sorting with the possibility to detect the smallest grades in color shades.


Belt Optical Sorters Horizont

Optical sorters “Horizont” are designed for color sorting of food and non-food bulk materials by extracting visually different impurities, for example, from nuts, chips and flakes, vegetables, seafood, berries and other.


Color sorting technology can be used in any technological process where bulk materials are used: agricultural field, food industry, mining and recycling. Its unique character lies in its flexibility. Using this technology you can improve the quality of the product and bring down the damage of the product while sorting. Color sorting technology gives new opportunities for improving and developing any technological line, sorting line or manufacture as a whole.

Our color sorters are distinct in several features — various color spectrum cameras, high-resolution camers, ultrabright lightning, software with smart mode using AI.

CSort color sorting equipment removes color, shape, texture defects and defects that are determined by inner features of a product. There is no problem in getting the machine for you personal needs.

Additional equipment

Galvanized belt bucket elevators
Galvanized belt bucket elevators

Modern bucket elevators manufactured by CSort provide cost-effective, fast and safe transportation of bulk materials and can be used in various industries.


Z-type galvanized chain elevator
Z-type galvanized chain elevator
Z-type chain elevator is designed for delicate transportation of bulk materials in the vertical and horizontal direction.


Integrated sorting solution
Integrated sorting solution

This is a part of an integrated key solution, that gives an opportunity to integrate a color sorter into technological process. 
